Kate Chaos

It’s Called Manifesting

So it’s no secret I pride myself in being the hot mess chaos author. I set deadlines only to watch them shoot by me at the speed of sound, I either can’t afford or can’t wrap my mind around a ton of the resources I hear other authors talk about on the regular, and my marketing plan consists solely of me being awkward on the internet.

But I want to try something a lil different. My hectic, disorganized self set herself … gasp… a publishing schedule for 2024. Not only that, she’s written out and time blocked a marketing plan for her already published books.

I want to continue to grow as an author and to do that, I feel like it’s time to ✨try✨ to get my shit together. Will I be 100% successful in this endeavor? Let’s be real this is me we’re talking about so probably not. But I’m hoping it’ll straighten my path and improve my trajectory. And that’s all we can ever hope for, right? To do a little better ever time.

In addition to my projected publishing schedule I’ve mocked up a few covers to help keep the focus and bring a little more direction. None of these will be the official covers and even a few of these titles will change. But this is the plan for the coming year and I’m excited to see how it all unfolds.

Now, if I could just work out a regular writing routine I’d be unstoppable…

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