Author Stuff · Weekly Goals

Goals of the Week 12/4

HI it’s Kate!

It’s been hard to keep up with the updates because lately I haven’t felt like I have had much to update everyone with. Also, because the last half of 2023 kicked my ass, and I haven’t really felt much like anyone would care about my word count progresses or different projects I had started and then would struggle to finish…

But depression and imposter syndrome are stupid and I’m finding that sharing little updates here and there do in fact help me to keep pushing forward.

As I’m starting to feel like my old self again, I’m finding I’m making more progress on my projects, but I’m trying to take it slow so I don’t burn out. So for this week I decided to focus on continuing adding words to Lachlan’s WIP. (Which I think I may be getting close to a title…) Any other words added to any other WIPs will be considered bonus words at this point. Mainly because I think Paired may need some restructuring.

I had originally started writing Paired in hopes of it being a spicy novella I could offer to readers while I hammer out both Lachlan and Queen… two books that already will be either an addition or a continuation to current series. I hadn’t wanted to put much thought into working out a complex suspenseful plot, but low and behold, my new characters, Memphis and Portia, had other plans.

So the original quick and spicy plot, needs some restructuring in order for this potentially novel length story to make a little more sense.

Also it’s been a hot minute since I’ve sent an actual Newsletter so I’m gonna try my damnedest to get one out this month, but stay tuned for that one.

Hope you all have a good week and I’ll check in again soon!

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